Sleeping Disorders During Pregnancy | How To Cope With Insomnia During Pregnancy

Sleep disturbances are very common during pregnancy. It mainly happens because of physical discomfort, hormonal fluctuations, and stress & anxiety. During the later stages, in particular, when you have a much larger abdomen, you may find it very difficult to choose a comfortable sleeping position.

Women have fewer problems with sleeping disorders at certain times. When a woman is between PMS phases of her menstrual cycles, but still in her menstrual years, she tends to sleep well. During the PMS phases, she might suffer from several different sleeping problems.

In the first trimester there is a rush of progesterone coursing through the body, which has a sedative effect. That's the good news. The bad news is that it relaxes the muscles in the wall of the bladder, leading to many more trips to the bathroom, interrupting the much-needed sleep.

The pregnant woman may receive better sleep in the second trimester, only to face sleep issues again in the third trimester due to the size of her abdomen and the aches and pains of pregnancy.

Amongst all known sleep disorders, insomnia is said to be the most prevalent especially in young adults who are experiencing bouts of premenstrual syndrome. Insomnia is a sleeping disturbance characterized by the inability to fall asleep and sustain it, waking up earlier than what the body needs, and the difficulty to go back to sleep once already awakened.

On the positive side of the debate, chamomile tea and pregnancy are not always in conflict with each other. There have been numerous reports of relief from nausea and vomiting when chamomile tea was used during pregnancy.

The increased weight can add fat to the soft muscles around the neck area so that the air passages are narrowed due to the increased size of the neck. This in turn leads to increased instances of snoring and unrest during the night.

Parasomnias Disorder interfering to the sleep stage transition. This is the common cause of sleep walking and some nocturnal limb cramps. Typically, most of the abnormal events that are occurring during sleeping time are related with this sleep disorder category.

For a woman carrying a baby, this can be dangerous for the fetus. Snoring is not that big of a deal, but not breathing for over 10 seconds again and again may be harmful to the baby. The baby depends on the mother for its supply of oxygen and if mom is not getting enough, baby is not either.

Stress is a huge factor of not being able to get sleep.If an expectant mother is nesting, she may feel there is a lot to do and not enough time to do it. In response, she lacks sleep and is more exhausted than usual. The stress of just thinking about taking care of a baby and worrying about events that will happen in the future with a baby can be a couple of the thoughts going through the mind of a pregnant woman in bed.

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