Lettuce Nutrition Fact And Health Benefits You Must Know

Lettuce offers many health benefits and nutrition. Lettuce (lactuca sativa), grown as a leaf vegetable, one of the most delicate salad plants in the world. Lettuce is considered as the king of salad crops.Annual or biennial temperate climates plants of the Asteraceae family . The vegetables are usually eaten cold and raw, in salads, hamburgers, tacos, and several other dishes. There are basically six different types of lettuce, butterhead the (Boston), Chinese lettuce, crisphead (Iceberg), looseleaf, Romaine and Summer Crisp (Batavia). Everything is used for the sole purpose of making a salad.

Complete antioxidant components contained in lettuce, useful boost the immune system and detoxify the toxins. In addition, the plant is recommended for smokers. Because lettuce intake shown to protect the lungs from carcinogens in tobacco and tobacco smoke. Research shows, lettuce is also efficacious in counteracting inflammation of mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. This is because when chewed, lettuce, releasing the content of PEITC (phenethyl isothiocynate), a chemopreventive agent, fighting lung cancer.

Lettuce Nutrition Fact

Lettuce is a good source of chlorophyll and vitamin K. Rich in mineral salts with alkali elements that very dominating. This is what helps keep blood clean, and your body in good health.

Lettuce is rich in lutein and beta-carotene. Also supplies vitamin C and K, calcium, fiber, folate, and iron. Vitamin K helps the blood clot. Other nutrients are vitamin A and B6, folic acid lycopene, potassium, and zeaxanthin. Lettuce contains alkaloids that are responsible for the therapeutic effect.

Although all varieties of lettuce have low calories, but has a different nutritional content. Lettuce as a good source of choline. Romain Lettuce, most nutrient-dense of all varieties and is a good source of vitamins A, B1, B2 and C, folic acid, manganese and chromium. Red lettuce gets red color from a pigment called anthocyanin. These pigments functions as an antioxidant, eliminating free radicals that damage cells. Some researchers found a variety of red lettuce contains flavonoids, which is the powerful antioxidants.

For more detail information, see the table below :
Nutritional value per 100 g
Energy55 kJ
Carbohydrates2.23 g
Dietary fibre1.1 g
Fat0.22 g
Protein1.35 g
Water95.63 g
Vitamin A equiv.166 μg 
beta-carotene1987 μg
lutein and zeaxanthin1223 μg
Thiamine0.057 mg
Riboflavin0.062 mg
Pantothenic acid0.15 mg
Vitamin B60.082 mg
Folate73 μg
Vitamin C3.7 mg 
Vitamin E0.18 mg
Vitamin K102.3 μg
Calcium35 mg
Iron1.24 mg
Magnesium13 mg 
Manganese0.179 mg
Phosphorus33 mg
Potassium238 mg
Sodium5 mg
Zinc0.2 mg

Lettuce Health Benefits

1. Weight loss. Lettuce is very good for dieters because it is very low in calories, on average only 1-50 per serving. Lettuce is also rich in water, allowing the body to hydrated. The lettuce also contain fiber, which helps digestion and gives a sense of fullness for longer.

2. Against disease. Lettuce contains beta-carotene which is the crusader against the disease. Certain diseases such as cataracts, stroke, heart disease, and cancer can be combated by eating lettuce.

3. Prevent cancer. According to the American Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society, foods rich in vitamin A and C may help prevent certain cancers. Lettuce contains both vitamin.

4. Helping people with constipation. Lettuce contains dietary fiber which can help the intestines move more easily so that helps with digestion. Lettuce is also proven to treat gastric acid disorders, arthritis, cataracts, circulatory problems, and colitis.

5. Assist in the restoration of tissue. Lettuce high in magnesium. This element has an important role in the recovery of tissue, nerves, brain, and muscles. Also contributing to shorten the recovery time. Eating lettuce can accelerate recovery of tired muscles, tissues, and nerves.

6. Relieves headaches. Lettuce juice when mixed with oil of roses, and then attached to the forehead, can help relieve headaches so as to ensure restful sleep.
Prevent birth defects. Lettuce is rich in folic acid, which is known to help prevent birth defects in the early stages of pregnancy. Also prevent anemia.

7. Against insomnia. Eating lettuce helps fight insomnia because it contains sleep-inducing substance called lactucarium. It is a mild opiate substances that exist in virtually all types of lettuce.

8. Improving liver health. Lettuce is also believed to contribute to heart health.

Treating hair loss. Mixed lettuce juice and spinach juice is said for those who bothered by hair loss problems.

9. Soothing sexual desire. Researchers at the University of California shows a series of experiments whose results lettuce has a calming effect on sexual desire, a strong influence on increasing the level of fertility. Although these findings seem controversial, lettuce is often recommended to help men suffering from premature ejaculation.

10. Provides nutrition during pregnancy and lactation. Folic acid in lettuce helps prevent megaloblastic anemia during pregnancy. This was demonstrated in a series of experiments on lettuce mothers who eat free from nutritional anemia. Eating lettuce also have a major effect on the secretion of the hormone progesterone. Eating lettuce with spinach, asparagus, peas, and cauliflower increasing folic acid or vitamin B from the diet. Approximately 300-500 mcg vitamin is required during the last trimester of pregnancy. Deficiency of this vitamin causes megaloblastic anemia.

Lettuce is one of the vegetables that are most vulnerable to pesticide exposure. Therefore, make sure you wash the lettuce thoroughly under running water before cooking or consumption.

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