06 Must Know Health and Fitness Tips for a working women’s

Stick to It for 2 Weeks

Stick to it for 2 Weeks midhealth

If working women want to be fit so the best tip to be healthy is modify your exercise routine each 14 days to unlock your hip. As per research of University of Florida study that individuals who change their workouts twice in a month were more likely active as compare to those who didn’t modify their workout

Do not skip your foremost meal

We all know that working women is too busy and because of lake of time in morning they skip there most important meal (breakfast). There are lot of women’s who actually did not take breakfast in routine and the result is that they feel weakness and they cannot do their best in work.

Try to be relax

Most commonly working women take pressure of work and the end of the day they got stuck. So Replace your stress with smartness and try to be relax during working hours don’t take stress on pressure of working hard just do your best in a smart way and kick the ball of stress as far as you can and you can also try some good mental health products.

Beat your self - Midhealth

Try to beat yourself

There are a lot of women who did not feel change in their body after a lot of workout and the reason behind this is that they work hard to be fit and healthy but not in a right way. Try to beat you own previous record and create own target to beat. Add more few reps in a row, these little changes will make change for sure

Workout Partner - Midhealth

Find a Fit Partner

Partner in workout just not a partner she will keep you more accurate and also may help you to spend more time in the gym and burn more fat. As per British survey of more than 900 women’s found that those women’s who exercise in a pear spend six minutes longer and burn an extra more than 40 calories per session as compared to individual fitness fanatics.

Green Tea - Midhealth

Keep Green Tea at Your Desk

Green tea has an antioxidants and nutrients with a power pack effects on a body. It contain bioactive compounds that improve human health it can enhance brain function, burn your fat and make you smart

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