Types of diabetes & its symptoms with the best treatment

What is Diabetes - Diabetes Mid Health

Types of diabetes & its symptoms with the best treatment

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a common disease. As per survey report there are more than 3.3 million people diagnosed with diabetes in United Kingdom (UK) and an estimated of almost 547,500 people who have the diabetes, but they don’t know it.
Diabetes creates a condition where the amount of glucose in your blood will not normal and take this amount is too high because your body cannot use it correctly.
And the reason is because your pancreas doesn’t produce any kind of insulin, or shortage of insulin, to help glucose to enter in your body’s cells and result is that the insulin that is produced does not work properly because Insulin is the hormone which produced by the pancreas and allows glucose to enter in the body’s cells. There are two major types of diabetes
1)      Type 1 Diabetes
2)      Type 1 Diabetes

Signs & symptoms of diabetes

Sign and Symptoms of Diabetes - Mid Health

There are too many signs and symptoms of diabetes but the major signs & symptoms given below:
1)      Fever with high temperature
2)      Vomiting
3)      Pain in stomach
4)   Passing Urine more times than usual, especially in night time.
5)      Always being thirsty.
6)      Feeling more tired than usual.
7)      Losing weight without any reason
8)      Weakness in vision (Blurred).

These diabetes symptoms are same in any age and if you have any sign & symptoms mention above you should be worry although it doesn’t mean that you have diabetes but it’s worth check because early diagnose will help you for better and quick treatment. 

Type 2 diabetes diet and Treatment

Type 2 diabetes diet and Treatment - Mid Health
By the research and help of the international council for truth in medicine (ICTM) now people can reverse diabetes type 2. Just read their book and reverse your diabetes without any pills, insulin injections, drugs and surgery and it’s scientifically proven by doctors of all over the world.

Benefits of this diabetes book

Although you can find countless benefits after read their book but some of all mention below:

1)      No need to take insulin injections
2)      No need of surgery
3)      No risk of blindness
4)      Just in 3 weeks more than diabetes patients were taken off all their drugs 70% (University of California – LosAngeles3)
5)      More than 95% of type 2 diabetes were stop their insulin injections completely (Metabolic Research Group – University of Kentucky).
6)   81% Diabetes Patients got complete relief from their painful neuropathy (Department of Medicine – Loma Linda University California). 

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