Best of Basic Health Access Blogs

The Basic Health Access Blogs typically arise as a critique of various media pieces or claims made by various health care organizations, government bodies, or foundations. Given the sad state of objective critique at all levels and the well-financed need to satisfy numerous distracting agendas, there is far too much subject material. The fact of the matter there is little positive to write about Basic Health Access and this has been true since 1983.

If you want the usual news or literature with typical opinions, this blog is not for you. If you want to gain awareness regarding the designs, false claims, and confusions that lead to lesser health care outcomes and deficiencies of health access - read on. 

The author has been teaching, researching, and delivering health access since the 1980s policies kicked him and too many others out of rural family practice. He is one of few that has developed physician, county, family physician, and other databases with a critical eye regarding claims of health access, primary care, and workforce success. 

The following are the most popular blogs from 2011 to 2016

Health Access

Primary Care and Family Medicine

Does Primary Care Experience Matter as the US moves to the least experienced primary care workforce in its history?

Finance-me-cratic Constants in the Bureaucratic Universe

Major Journals Fail Primary Care Once Again

Comparing Family Practice Sources - Real Solutions Enter and Stay in Primary Care over a career with longest careers, most volume, most acti

Meeting Primary Care Needs in the Last Half of the 21st Century (or what is required after 1980 to 2020 policies)

Oregon PCMH Saved 240 Million But Spent Over 250 Million (Spending more leaves less for PC)

Primary Care Must Rise from the Ashes of the Last 20 Years

Three Dimensions of Non-Primary Care vs Zero Growth in Primary Care

Valuing the Crucial FM Care Role in the Crucible

What Is Aggressive Family Medicine Advocacy?

Actual Health Outcome Determinants and Public Health

Health Policy, Payment, and Other Areas with Minimal Health Outcome Impact Potential

Recent Blogs

Family Medicine Leaders Must Move Access Forward Not Backward

Readmissions Better from ACA or Preexistingly Worse from DRG?

Does Academia Compromise Health Care for Most Americans?

Demographics Distributions and Discriminations in Health Care

Demographics Against the Democrats

The 25th Anniversary of the COGME Third Report and No Change By Design

Why Is Value So Hard to Recognize in Health Care and why does family medicine not value family physicians and the high value places where they practice

The Four Horsemen of the Primary Care Apocalypse - Medicaid, High Deductible, Veteran, and Medicare Plans shape failure by payment design

Plea to Academic Leaders - Please No More So Called Primary Care Solutions - No Training Intervention or Practice Rearrangement Can Work without Payment Reform

What Is Stunning in Primary Care Is No Change By Design - Numerous failed attempts to recover primary care all point to insufficient payment made worse by accelerating cost of care.

Of all the forms of inequality,  
injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.
Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Robert C. Bowman, M.D.

The blogs represent the opinion of the blogger alone.

Copyright 2017

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