How to loss weight naturally

If we are slim , we will  be able  to perform all the tasks very fast and simple   but  if we are fat our body will not cooperate complete  hundred percent to perform any  task, it is because excess weight  will not keep  us live simply life , so today we  have come up with a new tip which will  help to  loss  our  weight  or burn your calories  finally reduce your fat  , make you look beautiful with perfect body structure   very naturally   with  the ingredients which are easily  or readily available  in our kitchen , so what are you are waiting for ? let see how to prepare  most natural way of  home remedy  for the weight loss   very easily and simply. 

Ingredients required
water benefits for health basic tips

Black pepper
black pepper health basic tips

lemon  fruit for health basic tips

Turmeric powder

 yellow turmeric for health basic tips

Olive oil


First take  one glass of water and boil it ,   cut the  one lemon into two parts  and add one part of lemon juice  into lukewarm water    and add quarter  teaspoon of turmeric powder  and quarter teaspoon of olive oil  and also  quarter teaspoon of black pepper powder  and  mix up thoroughly, that’s it  your   most  natural way of home remedy for weight loss is now ready .

How to consume

Drink two spoons  of this  daily  three times after taking   breakfast   , lunch and  dinner  at least for five days .
Benefits of this  home  remedy  

After taking  it  for five days , you will  wonderful and surprising    results or changes in your body ,you  will loss your weight  and you become  slim  and beautiful not only that your  belly will  get reduced.

Thank you for following this tip 

Source : Images from Pexabay and information from  natural health books and other resource.

Posted on Feb 16 2018

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