Ayurveda -- The Ancient Elixir of Life

Ayurveda-- The Ancient Elixir of Life


For millennia, Indians have relied on Ayurveda to lead healthy and happy lives. The traditional Indian system of medicine has offered (and continues to offer) holistic cures to many a disease of the body and the mind, providing comprehensive healthcare to the people of this South Asian country. In recent decades, the popularity of Ayurveda grew immensely, extending far beyond Indian shores. As one western healthcare expert put it, Ayurveda is truly the greatest gift of India to mankind.
What makes Ayurveda so special?
Unlike various western systems of medicine, Ayurveda considers healthcare to be a continuous process and not a one-time affair. It calls for a 360o focus on all components of human life – physical, mental, spiritual and biochemical. Ayurveda is based on the philosophy that a proper balance of all these aspects of an individual’s life is critical to ensure his well-being.
The traditional system of Indian medicine goes beyond drugs and surgeries to ensure good health. It stresses the need to provide comprehensive therapies, incorporating various elements such as balanced diet, physical exercise, emotions and lifestyle.
Another key difference between Ayurveda and medical systems of the occident is that the former considers the process of healthcare participatory. In contrast to some of the western medical philosophies, Ayurveda emphasizes that a person must assume the responsibility for his own health and not rely on a specialist to ensure his well-being.
Ayurveda uses extracts of various herbs and plants to prepare highly effective medicines. These medicines have no side effects on the human body, as they contain no toxins and other harmful substances. This is the reason why most people are looking towards Ayurveda as an ideal, alternative system of healthcare. 
Each individual is unique, and therefore medication and other therapies must be tailor-made to suit an individual’s physiology. Ayurveda is arguably the first system of medicine to recognize this fact and calls for the provision of a comprehensive healthcare solution, customized to meet the specific healthcare needs of a person.
Having seen what makes Ayurvedaspecial in the world of healthcare, let us proceed to look at a few facts about this ancient system of medicine. 
Some interesting facts about Ayurveda
1.       Historical records prove that Ayurvedic therapies were being used to treat dangerous diseases such as syphilis and various types of cancers for more than 5000 years.
2.       Ayurveda states that the human body is made upon three basic constitutions – Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which hold the key to its health.
3.       The Charak Samhita, which is one of the oldest Ayurvedic texts, is a comprehensive compendium of various diseases affecting the human body, their diagnosis and cures.   
Friends, Ayurveda can provide the ideal solutions to some of the compelling problems created by the lifestyle of modern times.  In my next post, we will look at obesity, one of the most common healthcarechallenges posed by the sedentary manner of life and how the traditional system of medicine helps overcome it. So, stay tuned. 

Posted on 28 Jan 2019 , Image from Pexabay.. written by   Phani Madhav  

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