For Burnout Relief Focus on Fixing the Financial

With additional decades, with time away from academic influences, with time away from conferences, and with more interactions with practice and practicing physicians - it is possible to see with a different perspective. The leaders and staff shaped by the above may be quite limited in their critical abilities. The newest and most innovative approaches are given free reign. Meanwhile back in the real world of practice, there are consequences.

Conferences to address burnout - this is the nominee for the first Focus on Fixing the Financial post.

Conferences on burnout appear to be a good thing
  • For associations to appear that they are addressing member needs, especially those failing to address the financial design or the innovations, regulations, and digitalizations that make practice worse
  • For association leaders to raise up their flags to also appear to focus on important areas
  • For association finances
  • For advertisers associated with association conferences
  • For advertisers hoping to market to burnout victims
  • For those establishing new careers outside of the grinder as practice and burnout are too much and they see a new opportunity
  • For the states, hotels, recreational interests that benefit from such conferences (most do not as these are concentrated in certain states and locations)
But such conferences are not likely to be helpful for those burned out via the financial design.
  • The cost of the conference adds to the financial design woes of the burned out
  • The arrangements to be off and have coverage are stressful adding to burnout
  • The time away results in lower productivity and financial losses
  • Despite the conferences and possible changes, the burned out physician has to return to the same situation
A nice weekend nearby to get away might be just as good as the conference, travel, time away, and additional costs.

The financial design is broken. It hurts the Red Zone specialties most - generalists and general specialists. The design is worst where most Americans most lack care.

Address Discrimination to Reduce Burnout, Red Zone Specialties Burning Out, Discrimination in Primary Care Payment

Focus on Fixing the Financial First and Foremost

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